About Me
I am Pranav Jeevan P, working as a Research Scientist at sync. where I design generative models to control and edit human attributes in video. I completed my doctoral thesis from the Department of Electrical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. My research focused on building resource-efficient neural architectures that can perform multiple computer vision tasks. I have been associated with MeDAL (Medical Imaging, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Lab) and working under the supervision of Prof. Amit Sethi. I did my Masters in Robotics from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. I was working in the Center for Mechatronics under the supervision of Prof. Ashish Dutta, where I developed a lower-extremity exoskeleton, for rehabilitation. I have been serving as a reviewer for top international conferences such as CVPR, AAAI, ICCV, ECCV, ICLR and WACV.
After completing my Masters degree, I worked as Post-graduate Engineering Trainee at Engineering Research Centre, Tata Motors Limited. I have worked on vehicle evaluation and thermal analysis of brakes in Consumer Vehicle Business Unit. After working in industry for sometime, I moved back to academic research at the Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. I did coursework in theoretical physics with special focus on Quantum Computing and Quantum Information. I did a 6 month Internship with the AI Camera Team, Camera Solutions Group, Visual Intelligence Division at Samsung R&D Institute India, Bangalore (SRI-B) from July 2023 to January 2024. I worked on developing various models for tasks such a classification, detection and generation. These models have been commercialized and deployed in Samsung's flagship Galaxy S24 series.
Recent Updates
- Our paper “Which Backbone to Use: A Resource-efficient Domain Specific Comparison for Computer Vision” has been accepted in the TMLR Journal.
- Our paper “Evaluation Metric for Quality Control and Generative Models in Histopathology Images” has been accepted in ISBI 2025.
- Our paper “WaveMixSR-V2: Enhancing Super-resolution with Higher Efficiency” has been accepted for the AAAI 2025 Student Abstract and Poster Program (oral presentation).
- Our paper “FLeNS: Federated Learning with Enhanced Nesterov-Newton Sketch” has been accepted for the Special Session on Federated Learning at IEEE BigData 2024.
- Our paper “Adversarial Transport Terms for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation” has been accepted in ICPR 2024.
- My work during internship at Samsung Research was published as “PawFACS: Leveraging Semi-Supervised Learning for Pet Facial Action Recognition” at BMVC 2024. A patent has also been filed.
- Our paper “A Comparative Study of Deep Neural Network Architectures in Magnification Invariant Breast Cancer Histopathology Image Analysis” has been accpeted in CCIS.
- Our paper “Magnification Invariant Medical Image Analysis: A Comparison of Convolutional Networks, Vision Transformers, and Token Mixers” has been accepted in Bioimaging 2024 and won the Best Student Paper Award.
- Our paper “WaveMixSR: Resource-efficient Neural Network for Image Super-resolution” has been accepted in WACV 2024.
- Our paper “Heterogeneous Graphs Model Spatial Relationships Between Biological Entities for Breast Cancer Diagnosis” has been accepted in the 5th MICCAI Workshop on GRaphs in biomedicAl Image anaLysis (GRAIL) 2023.
- Our tiny paper “Resource-efficient Image Inpainting” has been accepted in ICLR 2023.
- Our paper “Resource-efficient Hybrid X-Formers for Vision” has been accepted in WACV 2022.
- Our paper “So You Think You’re Funny?”: Rating the Humour Quotient in Standup Comedy” has been accepted in EMNLP 2021.